Grief & Loss

The emotional and psychological response to loss and grief is deeply personal and will vary from person to person. Whether the loss has occurred early in the pregnancy or a number of years ago, each person will process this experience in their own personal way.

Mothers and fathers who have experienced a loss may encounter feelings of shock, grief, sadness and frustration. Symptoms may present in others ways such as the inability to concentrate, vivid dreaming, sleeping decreases or increases and impact on sex drive and desire. The impacts of each grieving experience can touch not only the individual, but will also impact partners, family, children and others who are close to them and may impact relationships in the process.

Seeking support can be helpful in understanding more about the grieving process and our responses to loss and grief, to help strengthen relationships and support network and to discuss any concerns that may be present when considering having another baby.

SANDS provide excellent support for families who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death. Click here for their website.

SANDS support line: 1300 072 637