Psychological Services for Children

Early intervention is extremely important for young children. If you are unsure as to whether a concern you have for your child may benefit from professional input, consider coming along for one consultation to see what the clinician thinks. They do this every day and can give you peace of mind with their assessment.
Due to expansion we have children's therapy appointments available this month!
Parents commonly seek help for their children when they see something that isn’t working as they feel it should. Often parents can identify the concern, however, other times it might not be clear. Parents always come with the intention of doing the best for their children and helping them to develop into the best possible version of themselves. The following are some common concerns parents have for their children which prompt them to seek help from our service:
Parenting and dealing with difficult behaviour
Relationship concerns, including family conflict
Managing emotion
Bullying and self-esteem
Depressed mood
Fears, anxiety and worry
Separation anxiety
Grief and loss
Managing change, including separation anddivorce
Early childhood concerns including behaviour, tantrums etc.
Sleep concerns (please see our Children's Sleep page for more information regarding this)
Please make a time to consult with our psychologists to discuss any concerns you have about your child's wellbeing.
KIDS HELPLINE offers telephone and web-based support for children and parents. Call 1800 55 1800.
Please contact us on 7228 5363 for an appointment or further information.