
The point at which adult and child concerns converge is of particular interest to our clinicians. Many parents are worried they will repeat patterns of parenting they experienced as hurtful but don’t know how to do it differently. Seeing a psychologist with experience in this area is incredibly useful preparation for parenting, before or after birth, or indeed at any point. It’s never too late to improve parenting skills.

Pregnancy and birth are times full of expectation, from ourselves and others. When we don’t feel what we think we “should”, or what others tell us we must be feeling, it can be a lonely and difficult time. Gaining support through this is important for yourself, your family, and your child.

Clients seek help from our service for advice, support and therapy in this area. Common concerns regarding parenting include: concerns about relationships between parent and children, attachment education and therapy,  “Where is the manual on how to parent?!”, parenting differently than your own parents, parenting with confidence.

Our clinicians work from the Circle of Security model which describes attachment relationships between children and their caregivers as primary in their social and emotional well being. Contact us to talk about your parenting experiences and choices to ensure you are able to parent at your best.

PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia) is an excellent resource for families in the perinatal period with mental health challenges. PANDA's national helpline is available Mon-Fri 9am-7:30pm AEST, call 1300 726 306. Much information on Perinatal Anxiety and Depression is available via their website.

Disclaimer: The above is presented for educational purposes only. Each individual is different. Please call 7228 5363 and make a time to discuss your own concerns.

If you are experiencing a crisis please call Mental Health Triage on 13 14 65 or go to your nearest emergency department.