
Please contact us for any further information or for referrals.

*  GPs and Paediatricians can refer women who are currently pregnant, or have been in the previous 12 months, through Medicare's Non-Directive Pregnancy Counselling item. This requires only a signed and dated letter for referral and provides 3 sessions with a small rebate ($65). This can be useful for women who do not fit Mental Health Care Plan criteria, do not wish to complete one, or are unsure if they want to attend therapy longer term.

*  Further details on perinatal mental health, screening and treatment, including national guidelines, can be found at the Centre Of Perinatal Excellence (COPE).

*  PANDA are an excellent support for perinatal women and their families. Information, telephone counselling and referral are available via their website or phone 1300 726 306.

*  We are involved in the training of other professionals in the area of perinatal mental health. If you would like us to consult with your workplace on this topic please contact us via phone or email.

*  We are now running Circle of Security -Parenting groups to support families with learning about their children's emotional needs, how to manage behaviour, and how to assist them in developing self-esteem. Please contact us for information regarding the next group. (This program can also be delivered individually or for couples, we are happy to provide further information.)

Please click here to view a pdf regarding our areas of particular interest.

Please click here to view our brochure.

More information coming soon.